Mount and blade warband mercenary army
Mount and blade warband mercenary army

I've heard mixed reports on whether the -40 will go away once I finish my Mercenary contract, and even if it did the extra -6 from the necessities of war and profit would still need to be dealt with. My work as a Mercenary has led me to conflict with them in particular, and thanks to taking one of their lords hostage and looting Slezkh village at one point I'm currently at -46 with them, and -40 with the Nords. I'd be impressed if they weren't kicking my arse. It's been flipped back once, but swiftly retaken. In some mad push while I wasn't looking they took Slezkh (the castle and the village) which is now coughing out armies just big enough to beat back any given army of Vaegirs but not enough to take any more land between it and the main Khanate. I've got 2 weeks or so left on my contract and I'm starting to worry about my relations with the Khanate in particular once I'm done.

mount and blade warband mercenary army mount and blade warband mercenary army

I'm at Lv12 and have a party of 45 fairly experienced men and around 6000 denars at most.

mount and blade warband mercenary army

So I took up work as a mercenary for the kingdom of Vaegirs, at a point where they are at war with the Kingdom of Nords and the Khergit Khanate.

Mount and blade warband mercenary army