I may need to introduce a second view point later on, Kragens most likely, but will play that one by ear. It didn't start as a deliberate decision, but after several revisions of the opening post it felt the most natural and the decision was doubly strengthen in the second chapter. In my own AAR I've settled on Bryn, my characters wife as the view point character so far. The opportunities for strong story telling are without bound and the game is great to play too! In Mount and Blade though you're playing a single figure throughout, someone who can be a trader, a war leader, vassal or even king and directly affect the landscape of the six kingdoms in the game. I've experimented with the format in the past in a couple of my old EU2 AAR's (going back some years there!) and a little bit in the more recent Rome AAR but never been truly satisfied with the results as it's so hard to build characterisation across a several hundred year time frame. One of the things I love about Mount and Blade is how well it lends itself to a story form AAR, which as a writer is my favourite medium though also takes a lot more work if it's to be polished and hence one reason I'm not a prolific AAR writer.