Fandom Rivalry: A slight one exists with fans of The House of the Dead, due to this series having "HOTD" as its official acronym. Saya and Hirano also have a respectable fanbase, due to all the Ship Tease and UST between them. Takashi is shipped with Saeko, mainly because she's hot and she's a fan favorite character.
Also applies to Kyoko Hayashi, despite being one of the first to be killed in the series. Surprisingly, "BFFs" Misuzu and Toshimi appear in quite a few fanfics that shows them being saved by someone and journeying with the main cast. It also doesn't help matters that he does have a Freudian Excuse backstory where his father's adulterous and emotionally abusive ways caused his mother's eventual death, thus paving the way for Shidou to become the kind of man he is today. Draco in Leather Pants: Shidou, for some, despite or even because of his status as a Complete Monster. Clingy Jealous Girl, occasional Distressed Damsel and in the wrong corner of a Love Triangle that involves the fan favorite: Saeko. Accidentally shooting an infected woman in the breasts, and then accusing the offending bullet of sexism? Hilarious! Crosses the Line Twice: Accidentally shooting an infected woman in the breasts? Fan Disservice. In a Zombie Apocalypse, Shidō stands out as eviler and viler than any walking corpse. Shidō and his group, who are at this point a cult, decide that the best way to grant his wish is to throw him out of the bus and let him be eaten. A student doesn't like the action going on in the "orgybus" and asks if he can just be dropped off at his house to see if his family is ok. Shidō sets out to make himself a cult leader, promoting sexual activity amongst the kids to make them loyal to Shidō.
Then he uses his position as a teacher to get himself elected leader of the surviving group. Shidō's response was to kick him in the face, before gloating over the poor kid's impending death and his own survival by stating that the new world had no place for people that weak.
Complete Monster: Kōichi Shidō first shows he's a man to fear when, during a zombie attack, a student he's guiding twists his ankle and begs Shidō for help. Bizarro Episode: The "Drifters of the Dead" OVA special. But you'll be seeing so much cleavage, ass crack, and camel toe, that it makes really easy to forget about the plot. Best Known for the Fanservice: It's about a group of teenagers, who're trying to find their missing families in the midst of a sudden (and unexplained) zombie outbreak.