* (***Aephiex***) Added new option 'Disable Armor Speed Reduction' which disables the -10 speed while wearing medium and heavy armor.* (***Aephiex***) Fixed issue where 'Disable Armor Max Dexterity' permanently changes armor max dexterity into 99 even after disabling this option.* (***Aephiex***) Renamed 'Disable Arcane Spell Failure' into 'Disable Armor & Shield Arcane Spell Failure' to make it more clear.* Added common cheat to reset interaction point skill checks in an area.* **Bag of Tricks** * moved teleport keys to go with teleport party to me and gave it its own section with explainer text.Please file feature requests if there are any that you really wanted. * removed unimplemented flags in the multi-class config to avoid confusion.Please give feedback if you see issues respecing your companions * Fixed issue where char gen class choices would get applied to companions during some level ups.Instead choose your desired new class as a multiclass and level up one of your existing * You are now prevented from making choices that break level up like selecting all of your existing classes as multiclass.

* You can now unlock Lich Mythic path (was accidently removed).* In Game Multiclass UI * Now works during character creation * Various stability improvements.* Fixed bugs where multiclass classes were being applied more than once on companions.* Fixed bug where class powers, curses, etc were not being applied in some cases.* **Level Up & Multiclass** * ***Fixed Major Bugs in Multiclass***.